Consignment Auctions



  • Register for a Buyer/Seller Number (this is FREE) at the office, during operating hours, or via Phone. The number you are given will be your permanent number (for both Produce and Consignment Auctions). If any information, such as address or phone number, changes after registering, please notify us to update.
  • When bidding it is IMPORTANT to pay close attention to the auctioneer and understand what you are bidding on. 
  • It is very helpful and appreciated at checkout if you write down what bids you won.
  • All buyers are required to show a physical bid card when bidding!
  • There will be a 5% Buyer’s Premium added to your bill at checkout.
  • No product is permitted to be taken to vehicles without a paid receipt.
  • Please Be Aware: All customers are subject to vehicle inspection upon leaving the premises due to theft issues.
  • We accept Cash, Check, and Credit/Debit Cards (Card transactions will have a 5% fee).
  • All items must be removed by the following Saturday or they become property of Peoli Farms Produce Auction. On the Monday and Tuesday following the auction, there will be people and equipment available to assist in loading. It will be the buyer’s responsibility to acquire any help or equipment needed for the remainder of the week. 
  • We are not responsible for any missing/damaged items after Saturday’s auction is closed.
  • Please double-check your receipt at checkout to be sure that there are no mistakes….changes will not be made afterward.


  • For Anything Except Buildings:
  • Rates are subject to change

Hoss Robinson: (330)-260-0746 ($150 Minimum; $3 per Loaded Mile)

Norman Yoder: (740)-202-3477 (Call for Rates; Has Gooseneck & Stock Trailer)

  • Buildings:
  • Rates are subject to change

DJay Trucking (David Yoder): (330)-312-0496 ($300 within 30 Miles of PFPA; $5 per additional mile)


  • Register for a Buyer/Seller Number (this is FREE) at the office, during operating hours, or via Phone. The number you are given will be your permanent number (for both Produce and Consignment Auctions). If any information, such as address or phone number, changes after registering, please notify us to update.
  • Fill out a contract with your Buyer/Seller Number, Name, Address, Phone Number, and the product you are selling. All New Items must be marked as such on the contract for proper commission rate to apply. Sign and date at the bottom. We will have someone available to assist with this as items are unloaded. It is the seller’s responsibility to be sure that all their items are listed on the contract before signing. Anything not on a contract will not be paid for. If you have any issues, questions, or concerns: Please contact Adam Spencer at (740)-498-1090.
  • All Equine and Livestock should be consigned, with a contract filled out and turned in BEFORE Saturday (Even though they cannot be dropped off until Saturday morning).


  • $1 per Clerked Lot (in addition to…..)
  • $1-$100: 20%
  • $101-$500: 15%
  • $501-$1500: 10%
  • $1501-$5000: 8%
  • $5001+: 6%
  • New Product: 10%
  • Equine: 4% or $60 (whichever is greater)
  • Livestock: 10%


  • $1-$500: $5 or 5% (whichever is greater)
  • $501+: $50 or 5% (whichever is lowest)


  • Poultry, Ducks, Birds
  • Clothing
  • Stuffed Furniture
  • Stuffed Animals
  • Mattresses
  • Pillows
  • Tires
  • Used Toilets
  • Televisions
  • Christmas Lights
  • Truck Caps
  • We reserve the right to reject items not on this list based on value and condition.


  • Checks will be mailed within 14 days of the date the items were sold. 
  • Sellers will receive a printout with a list of items sold, gross sale amount, commission and other applied fees, and net total.


  • Buildings – One week before auction. Must schedule an appointment.
  • Anything, except buildings, will be accepted the Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday before the auction. 
  • Friday is reserved for the final set-up and public walk-through – we will not be accepting consignments this day!
  • Saturday (Between 6am-9am) – Equine and Livestock


  • We have people designated to direct customers. PLEASE be respectful and follow their direction!
  • We offer FREE Handicapped parking in the gravel parking lot, Paid ($5) Parking in the gravel parking lot, and FREE parking in the grass along the gravel lane.